WestJet's 12 Flights Of Children-Inspired Christmas Miracles

Published on 27/2/2018

Since 2012, Canada’s WestJet Airlines has been delighting unsuspecting customers with well-deserved Christmas cheer. The gifts, usually restricted to the passengers of two or three late night flights, have ranged from iPods to fulfilling even the most enormous gift requests.

In December 2017, the company upped the price by organizing a dozen surprise events to delight the passengers traveling on twelve flights departing from various Canadian cities. To help them come up with imaginative ideas, the company recruited kids from the Boys and Girls Club of Canada. WestJet officials were up for the challenge, making even the most impossible-sounding suggestions, which included building a life-sized snow globe, a live ballet airport performance, and even a sit-down Christmas meal for the entire flight at the baggage conveyer, come true!